Since version 25.1.1 it has been possible to use a gamepad for navigation and certain other actions. The gamepad standard has been followed as closely as possible with buttons labelled as shown in the W3C draft standard.
Testing has been done using a Gioteck W4+ pad plugged into a USB port on a Windows 11 PC. The controls are assigned as in the image below.
Use the right hand stick for moving and turning (or for scrolling the map) and the left-hand stick for looking up and down. Button and axis numbers are shown below the image.
In terms of the W3C specification the button and axis numbers used are as follows.
0 - Look level
1 - Look up/down
2 - Turn left/right or scroll the map E/W
3 - Move forward/turn 180° or scroll the map N/S
Note that there is no subtlety with the axes/sticks: move fully across or nothing happens.
0 - Helicopter down
1 or 2 - Exit helicopter (if on the ground)
3 - Helicopter up
4 - Jump (from map centre to ground)
5 - Enter (whenever that is an appropriate action)
6 - Show scene
7 - Show map